so today while listening to the fish song and doing algebra 2
(which is, as my mom would say, the bane of my existence)
i stumbled across a very funny phrase in my textbook.
"to solve this quadratic equation, we have to massage both sides of it together."
it was very funny, and i laughed out loud.
holt, rinehart and winston are great textbook writers.
- hannah
(which is, as my mom would say, the bane of my existence)
i stumbled across a very funny phrase in my textbook.
"to solve this quadratic equation, we have to massage both sides of it together."
it was very funny, and i laughed out loud.
holt, rinehart and winston are great textbook writers.
- hannah
yes Hannah massage your text book or your sat scores are going to be terrible.
well said by co-parent
big fish small fish have you seen the tall fish?
bloop! - livvy
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