Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gratitude Month - Part 3

okay, my turn : ) i havent updated in a while due to lack of TIME. but... i found some, just a small bit but i decied to spend it making my gratitude month thinger. so... heres what im greatful for:
1. My parents.
2. My sisters and my brothers
3. my extended family (whew just covered half the people i know, there)
4. rick and traci and our hilarious alpha group.
5. church and church stuff.
6. foster and my camera
7. funny movies
8. friends and the funny things they say at 3 in the morning
9. friends and the funny things they say normally
10. sports
11. my new field hockey draw-string bag
12. roberta
13. hannah and jenny
14. calling jenny on tuesdays while i get changed at work
15. extremely pointless phone conversatins with hannah... for hours.
16. everyone that reads our blog
17. God and his grace that has saved me.


Jen Hayes said...

i love it when you call me when you're getting changed. i find it really attractive.

Hannah said...

"i really like that we're having this conversation."
"what conversation?"

ps - my verification word is alrquala. i giggled.

livvy said...

i dont have any comments to leave... but my verification word is REALLY funny.


Hannah said...

HA good one liv! i laughed out loud.

ps - gensters :)