Wednesday, December 17, 2008

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

in my opinion, snow is the best part about winter.
sure, it can be a little bit inconvenient.
things get canceled and sometimes you can't get places cause the roads are bad.
and homeschoolers don't get snow days, so that stinks.
but snow definitely makes staying at home so much fun.
i've noticed that my house gets like fifty times more comfy when there is snow outside.
and plus, everything just looks so pretty when it's covered in snow! i really love it.
so, if at some point this winter, the snow keeps you from getting somewhere or doing something don't be sad!
cause i'm pretty sure nothing is as fun as staying home in your sweats, drinking hot chocolate, and reading a good book.

dreaming of a white christmas
- hannah :)

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